Fetterman Aide Thinks His Boss is Having Another Stroke During Freakout

Ben Von Klemperer / shutterstock.com
Ben Von Klemperer / shutterstock.com

If you know much about Pennsylvania Democratic Senator John Fetterman, it’s likely that he’s about as unfit for the job as President Joe Biden. In fact, even his aide can’t decide whether to call 911 or laugh at his responses to some situations.

Proof of this came on Tuesday when a reporter caught Fetterman and a man identified as one of the senator’s aides in a congressional corridor.

Naturally, the reporter immediately asked about the most recent news to come from Congress, that Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy has launched a formal impeachment inquiry against Biden.

“Can I ask you about this news that Speaker McCarthy has formally launched an impeachment inquiry?”

Suddenly, Fetterman began stumbling backward, holding his head with heads on both sides and exclaiming, “Oh my God, really? Oh my gosh, it’s devastating. Oooh, don’t do it, please don’t do it.”

Now, it becomes apparent at some point in the interaction caught on camera that the whole thing is simply an over-exaggeration on Fetterman’s part, you know, the kind of immature and sarcastic response expected from a high schooler.

But it’s also clear from the video that this doesn’t immediately become apparent to Fetterman’s aide. In fact, based on facial expressions and body language, the aide seems to be questioning very seriously whether or not he needs to call in emergency services to help his boss deal with yet another stroke.

Check out his face between :06 and :011 in the clip. He’s clearly a bit perplexed, to say the least.

Finally, he decides this is Fetterman just being Fetterman, which isn’t really much better, at least in proving how unfit he is for the job. The aide must have also realized this because he quickly and quite adeptly takes hold of Fetterman’s arm, steering him away from the reporter while claiming they need “to run back to the office.”

Let’s just say that when a man who works with you daily can’t figure out whether you need medical attention, it’s not a good look.