Dirty Bill Clinton Appears On Epstein’s Records 50 Times 

lev radin / shutterstock.com
lev radin / shutterstock.com

The only thing more disgusting than Hunter Biden’s drug-fueled escapades with hookers and adult entertainers may be the Clintons. The idea of hearing Hillary Clinton’s voice every day for four years was enough to turn the tide in Trump’s favor, and millions of women across the nation couldn’t unload their Gap denim dresses fast enough after Bill’s antics with Monica Lewinsky. 

But if then-22-year-old Lewinsky had held out just a while longer, Bill would have ghosted her naturally. It turns out that Bill may like his women a little younger. 

The long-awaited reveal of Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane’s guest lists has arrived, and with it, some unwelcome light has been shown into the darkest corners of the elite world.  

Last December, Manhattan Federal Judge Loretta Preska issued an order to unveil confidential documents related to a defamation case filed in 2015 by Virginia Giuffre. Giuffre alleged at the time she was coerced into having sex with Prince Andrew at Jeffrey Epstein’s residence when she was 17. The case was against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s associate. 

Unraveling the list is complicated by references to “Jane Doe” and “John Doe.” There are more than 150 “Jane and John Does” in Epstein’s records. 

Bill Clinton has been identified as John Doe 36.  

Lawyers representing Virginia Giuffre issued a subpoena to Bill Clinton, seeking testimony about his association with Jeffrey Epstein. Clinton’s legal team responded that his testimony wouldn’t be helpful because he had never visited Epstein’s island. 

Interesting side note, Clinton also never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinski. 

The web became even more tangled in 2017 when Giuffre’s lawyers attempted to prevent Ghislaine Maxwell’s legal team from using testimony asserting that Bill Clinton had never visited Epstein’s island. They argued that it would be unfair to Giuffre since they had not been permitted to question Clinton earlier to determine if he had been there. 

But the story changed in a manner President Joe Biden would recognize. In 2019, Clinton’s spokesperson acknowledged that he flew on Epstein’s plane four times and visited Epstein in his New York apartment and Harlem Office. The staffer asserted that Clinton did not know about Epstein’s crimes at the time. 

Epstein’s flight logs showed Clinton on board the Lolita Express more than four times, a fact supported by Epstein’s former pilot, Larry Visoski. Clinton’s name is peppered throughout Epstein’s heavily redacted documents more than 50 times. Virginia Giuffre has asserted that she met Bill Clinton on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Caribbean island, “Little St. James.” However, there has been no evidence that her claim is valid and scant proof that he ever visited the island. 

But the Lolita Express was equipped with beds, padded floors, and young girls who were not always willing. The depravity wasn’t saved for the island. It happened 30,000 feet in the air. 

Bill Clinton, now 77, is reported to have had a close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein for years. Despite the lack of definitive evidence of wrongdoing at this time, his association with the deceased financier and sex offender raises suspicions.  

Some references to Clinton are linked to Giuffre, and other references to Clinton are expected to relate to efforts by Maxwell and Giuffre to compel Epstein to reveal information in 2016. The released documents “are not expected to implicate Clinton in any illegal activities.”  

Newly unsealed records will reveal the names of over 170 individuals in a document drop later in 2024. 

Fair warning – Donald Trump had ties to Epstein, and his comments about the convicted sex offender in 2002 to New York Magazine will likely be dug up and paraded across viewers’ screens on mainstream media. “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years,” Trump said during the interview. “Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”  

Trump would go on to condemn his former friend in 2019 as the extent of Epstein’s crimes became fully understood. Kellyanne Conway told the Associated Press that Trump denounced Epstein’s charges as “unconscionable and criminal,” going on to add that Trump hadn’t seen Epstein in more than a decade. 

Clinton was in good company on the Lolita Express. Other flyers include former Treasure Secretary John Summers, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, actor Kevin Spacey, the late Senator John Glenn (D-OH), and former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (ME-D). 

For Bill Clinton, it’s just another scandal. For Hillary Clinton, it’s yet another humiliation. For Donald Trump, it’s another weapon to be used against him. The document drop still holds many surprises, and America looks forward to seeing who else appears on Epstein’s naughty list.